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Bunscoil na Cathrach, Cahir, Co. Tipperary

Our Young Philosophers!

11th Jun 2024

Well done to 6th Class A and 6th Class B whose project  "We could be heroes – couldn’t we? Is there a potential within us all to be heroes?" won the 5th/6th Class category of the Irish Young Philosophers Awards.  The Irish Young Philosophers Awards are organised by the UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life, School of Philosophy UCD. IYPA is a philosophical initiative that invites students to reflect on philosophical questions and create a philosophical project which is judged by a committee of professional philosophers.  The children in 6th class explored the world of heroes and what a hero means to them.  They explored and debated the idea of whether there is the potential for us all to be heroes.  It was a really interesting and thought provoking project! The feedback from the judges indicated  'This is a very prestigious award and the judges were incredibly impressed with your project. We commend you on your outstanding effort and the quality and depth of the philosophical thinking in your project.'  Well done everyone.  We are really proud of you!

You can read the children's project below.